Alfredo Nobel (Imagen de Wikipedia)
A continuación una lista de los ganadores del Premio Nobel de literatura con vínculos a los archivos del New York Times.

Tomada de la publicación del New York Times en ocasión del anuncio del otorgamiento del famoso premio al francés JMG Le Clézio.

Le Procès-verbal (El atestado); La Fièvre (La fiebre); Le Déluge (El diluvio); L'Extase matérielle; Terra Amata; Le Livre des fuites (El libro de las huidas); La Guerre; Lullaby; Haï; Mydriase; Les Géants; Voyages de l'autre côté; Les Prophéties du Chilam Balam (Las profecías de Chilam Balam); Vers les icebergs (Ensayo sobre Henri Michaux); Mondo et autres histoires; L'Inconnu sur la Terre; Désert (Desierto); Trois villes saintes; La Ronde et autres faits divers; Relation de Michoacán; Le Chercheur d'Or; Diego et Frida; Voyage à Rodrigues; Le Rêve mexicain ou la pensée interrompue (El sueño mexicano o el pensamiento interrumpido); Le printemps et autres saisons; Onitsha; Étoile errante; Pawana; La Quarantaine; Le Poisson d'or; Gens des nuages; La Fête chantée; Hasard (seguido de Angoli Mala); Cœur Brûle et autres; Romances; Révolutions; L'Africain (El africano); Ourania; Ritournelle de la faim.
Le Procès-verbal (El atestado); La Fièvre (La fiebre); Le Déluge (El diluvio); L'Extase matérielle; Terra Amata; Le Livre des fuites (El libro de las huidas); La Guerre; Lullaby; Haï; Mydriase; Les Géants; Voyages de l'autre côté; Les Prophéties du Chilam Balam (Las profecías de Chilam Balam); Vers les icebergs (Ensayo sobre Henri Michaux); Mondo et autres histoires; L'Inconnu sur la Terre; Désert (Desierto); Trois villes saintes; La Ronde et autres faits divers; Relation de Michoacán; Le Chercheur d'Or; Diego et Frida; Voyage à Rodrigues; Le Rêve mexicain ou la pensée interrompue (El sueño mexicano o el pensamiento interrumpido); Le printemps et autres saisons; Onitsha; Étoile errante; Pawana; La Quarantaine; Le Poisson d'or; Gens des nuages; La Fête chantée; Hasard (seguido de Angoli Mala); Cœur Brûle et autres; Romances; Révolutions; L'Africain (El africano); Ourania; Ritournelle de la faim.
Escritores que han recibido antes el Premio Nobel de Literatura (tomado de la lista del NYT):
2007 Doris Lessing Nobel to Lessing, Incisive Voice of Women’s Fate Times Topics: Doris Lessing
2006 Orhan Pamuk Orhan Pamuk Wins Nobel Prize in Literature Featured Author: Orhan Pamuk
2005 Harold Pinter Pinter Wins Nobel for Dramas of Ominous Power Struggles Harold Pinter Excerpts
2004 Elfriede Jelinek Austrian Writer of Sex, Violence and Politics Wins Nobel Excerpts From Novels
2003 J. M. Coetzee Coetzee, Writer of Apartheid as Bleak Mirror, Wins Nobel Chronicling Life Perched on a Volcano's Edge as Change Erupts Featured Author: J. M. Coetzee
2002 Imre Kertész Hungarian Novelist Wins Nobel Prize in Literature Excerpts From Novels by Imre Kertesz
2001 V. S. Naipaul Nobel in Literature Goes to Naipaul, an Explorer of Exile A Nobel for Mr. Naipaul
2000 Gao Xingjian A Chinese-Born Writer Is Winner of the Nobel Sudden Fame on a Quest for Freedom
1999 Günter Grass Günter Grass Wins Nobel Prize for Literature Polemical Prize Featured Author: Günter Grass
1998 José Saramago Nobel in Literature Goes to José Saramago A Writer With an Ear for the Melody of Peasant Speech
1997 Dario Fo Italy's Barbed Political Jester, Dario Fo, Wins Nobel Prize Using Puns and Pratfalls to Lob Satirical Grenades
1996 Wislawa Szymborska Polish Poet, Observer of Daily Life, Wins Nobel
1995 Seamus Heaney Seamus Heaney, Poet, Wins the Nobel Prize An Irishman Reflecting on Mankind's Strivings Featured Author: Seamus Heaney
1994 Kenzaburo Oe Nobel in Literature Goes to Kenzaburo Oe of Japan
1993 Toni Morrison Toni Morrison Is '93 Winner of Nobel Prize in Literature Lifting the Memory of Slavery Into the Realm of Myth
1992 Derek Walcott Walcott, Poet of Caribbean, Is Awarded the Nobel Prize
1991 Nadine Gordimer Nadine Gordimer Is Winner of Nobel Prize in Literature A Chronicler of a Land of Strangers
1990 Octavio Paz Octavio Paz, Mexican Poet, Wins Nobel Prize Laureate Assessed by Man Who Knows Him Best
1989 Camilo José Cela Camilo Jose Cela Wins Nobel Prize; Spaniard Broke Taboos in the 40's Spanish Think of Cela as a TV Iconoclast Rather Than a Writer
1988 Naguib Mahfouz Nobel Prize in Literature Awarded To an Arabic Writer for First Time From 'Balzac of Egypt,' Energy and Nuance
1987 Joseph Brodsky Exiled Soviet Poet Wins Nobel Prize in Literature Brodsky's Nobel: What the Applause Was About
1986 Wole Soyinka Soyinka, Nigerian Dramatist, Wins Nobel Literature Prize Writer Says Colleagues Share Spirit of Award
1985 Claude Simon Claude Simon of France Wins the Nobel Prize in Literature Nobel Panel's Pick Keeps Cognoscenti Guessing
1984 Jaroslav Seifert Jaroslav Seifert, Czech Poet, Wins Nobel Literature Prize Little-Known in U.S., Nobel Poet Praised Here
1983 William Golding Briton Wins the Nobel Literature Prize Author Whose Works Defy Normal Labeling
1982 Gabriel García Márquez García Márquez of Colombia Wins Nobel Literature Prize Storyteller With Bent for Revolution: Gabriel García Márquez
1981 Elias Canetti Writer of Central Europe Wins Nobel Prize Cosmopolitan in Tradition of Goethe
1980 Czeslaw Milosz Polish Poet in U.S. Get Nobel in Literature Poet, Exile, Laureate
1979 Odysseus Elytis Elytis, Greek Lyric Poet, Is Given the Nobel Award for Literature PDF document A Lyric, Poetic Greek Voice That Has a Special Texture PDF document
1978 Isaac Bashevis Singer Nobel Prize to I. B. Singer Text of the Nobel Lecture by Isaac Bashevis Singer Featured Author: Isaac Bashevis Singer
1977 Vicente Aleixandre Nobel Prize Is Awarded to Little-Known Spanish Poet PDF document Modern Poets Owe Much to Work of Aleixandre and His Colleagues PDF document
1976 Saul Bellow Saul Bellow Chosen as Nobel Laureate; Award Brings U.S. a Sweep of Honors PDF document Novelist Deals With Jews in America; Bellow's Theme: Jewish Romance With America PDF document Featured Author: Saul Bellow
1975 Eugenio Montale Montale, a Poet, Awarded Nobel Prize for Literature PDF document Eugenio Montale: Ascending; The Guest Word PDF document
1974 Eyvind Johnson, Harry Martinson Two Swedish Writers Get the Nobel Prize Author Favors Choice PDF document
1973 Patrick White Nobel for U.S. Economist; Australian Writer Chosen; Economist and Writer Get Nobel Prizes PDF document Novels Full of Life; White Reflects Love-Hate Feeling for Australia Typical of Country's Artists Late, Recognition Joined the R.A.F. PDF document
1972 Heinrich Böll Heinrich Boll, 54, a West German Novelist, Wins the Nobel Prize for Literature PDF document A National Writer; Heinrich Theodor Boll PDF document
1971 Pablo Neruda Neruda, Chilean Poet-Politician, Wins Nobel Prize in Literature PDF document A Latin Walt Whitman; Neruda Poetry, Too, Found to Reject Dominance of an Impoverished Europe PDF document
1970 Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Unpublished at Home; Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn PDF document Soviet Writers Union Criticizes Nobel Prize Given Solzhenitsyn PDF document Solzhenitsyn's Vision of Man's Adaptability PDF document Featured Author: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
1969 Samuel Beckett Beckett Wins Nobel for Literature Playwright-Novelist Acclaimed for Lifting Man From Despair PDF document Beckett Accepts Nobel; Refuses to Attend Rite PDF document A Poet Who Has Seen Hell; Of Samuel Beckett PDF document
1968 Yasunari Kawabata Nobel for Literature Won by a Japanese PDF document In Literary Mainstream; Yasunari Kawabata PDF document
1967 Miguel Angel Asturias Guatemalan Author of Anti-U.S. Works Wins Nobel Prize PDF document Writer and Diplomat; Miguel Angel Asturias PDF document
1966 Samuel Agnon, Nelly Sachs 2 Jewish Writers Win Nobel Prize; $60,000 Literature Award to Be Shared by Shmuel Agnon and Nelly Sachs PDF document Appraisals of Agnon and Sachs; Each Nobel Winner Has a Unique Mode of Expression PDF document
1965 Mikhail Sholokhov Nobel Prize Is Won by Soviet Novelist PDF document Sholokhov Proud of Role as 'Soviet' Nobel Winner PDF document
1964 Jean-Paul Sartre Sartre Awarded Nobel Prize, but Rejects It; Existentialist Thinks His Writings Would Be Compromised $53,000 Will Revert to Fund, Swedish Academy Says PDF document
1963 Giorgos Seferis Nobel Prize Won by a Greek Poet; Tribute Is Paid to Lyricism of Giorgos Seferiades PDF document
1962 John Steinbeck Steinbeck Wins Nobel Prize For His 'Realistic' Writing; He Is the Sixth American to Receive Literature Award Since 1900 PDF document Evaluating an Author's Vision of the Thirties PDF document
1961 Ivo Andric Yugoslav Author Wins Nobel Prize; Dr. Ivo Andric Honored for 'Epic Force' of His Work PDF document His Story Is Yugoslavia; Ivo Andric PDF document
1960 Saint-John Perse Saint-John Perse, French Poet, Wins Nobel Prize for Literature PDF document
1959 Salvatore Quasimodo Nobel Award Was Disclosed Day Early by Laureate, Salvatore Quasimodo PDF document Quasimodo Literary Appreciation of a Prize Winner; Quasimodo: Prize Winner PDF document
1958 Boris Pasternak Nobel Prize Goes to Pasternak; Russian's 'Zhivago' Still Unpublished in Soviet Union PDF document Writers in Soviet Expel Pasternak; Nobel Prize Winner Scored as Pawn in Cold War PDF document Author Tells Swedes He Cannot Accept Nobel Literature Award PDF document
1957 Albert Camus Nobel Prize-Winner Camus: A Man Committed Yet Aloof PDF document Albert Camus Wins Nobel Letters Prize PDF document
1956 Juan Ramón Jiménez A Spanish Writer Gets Nobel Prize; Jimenez, 74, Lives in Exile in Puerto Rico--Noted for Lyrical Poetry Odes to His Donkey Wife's Illness Saddens Him PDF document
1955 Halldór Laxness Icelandic Novelist Wins Nobel Prize PDF document
1954 Ernest Hemingway 54 Nobel Prizes Awarded by King; Hemingway, Unable to Attend in Stockholm, Asserts That Writing Is a Lonely Life PDF document Audio: Ernest Hemingway: The Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech and a Talk About His Work Featured Author: Ernest Hemingway
1953 Winston Churchill Churchill Wins Nobel Prize, Puts Kipling and Shaw Higher PDF document Nobel Victors Served Peace Cause by Promoting Human Brotherhood PDF document
1952 François Mauriac Nobel Prize Is Given to Novelist Mauriac PDF document The Nobel Prize Winner PDF document
1951 Pär Lagerkvist 4 Nuclear Scientists, 2 American, and Author Receive Nobel Prizes PDF document The Nobel Prize Winner PDF document
1950 Bertrand Russell Faulkner Gets Nobel Prize; Bertrand Russell Is Honored PDF document
1949 William Faulkner Faulkner Gets Nobel Prize; Bertrand Russell Is Honored PDF document
1948 T. S. Eliot T. S. Eliot Receives 1948 Nobel Award; Poet Gets Prize in Literature PDF document
1947 André Gide Gide Gets Nobel Literature Prize PDF document
1946 Hermann Hesse Winners of 1946 Nobel Prizes Awarded by Swedish Academy PDF document Nobel Prize Winner PDF document
1945 Gabriela Mistral Winners of 1945 Nobel Prizes PDF document The 1945 Winner of the Nobel Award, Gabriela Mistral PDF document
1944 Johannes V. Jensen The Story of a Nobel Prize Winner PDF document
1943 No prize awarded.
1942 No prize awarded.
1941 No prize awarded.
1940 No prize awarded.
1939 Frans Eemil Sillanpää Nobel Prize Given to Finnish Writer PDF document
1938 Pearl Buck Pearl Buck Wins Nobel Literature Prize; Third American to Get the Swedish Award PDF document
1937 Roger Martin du Gard
1936 Eugene O'Neill Gustav Presents Nobel Prizes to 3; Awards to O'Neill, Saavedra Lamas and Von Ossietzky Bestowed in Absentia PDF document
1935 No prize awarded.
1934 Luigi Pirandello Luigi Pirandello Wins Nobel Prize; Italian Playwright's General Contribution to Literature Is Basis of Award PDF document Wit and Wisdom in Pirandello; Italy's Winner of the Nobel Prize for 1934 Considered as Novelist, Playwright and Philosopher Luigi Pirandello PDF document
1933 Ivan Bunin Nobel Prize Goes to Bunin, Russian; Short-Story Writer and Poet, Exile in France, Is First of His Nation to Get Award PDF document Ivan Bunin, Nobel Prize Winner; The Art and Personality of the Russian Emigre to Whom This Year's Award for Literature Has Been Given PDF document
1932 John Galsworthy Four Nobel Prizes Presented by King; but John Galsworthy, Author, Is Unable to Go to Sweden Because of Illness PDF document
1931 Erik Axel Karlfeldt Nobel Prize Awarded to Dead Swedish Poet; The Honor for Literature Goes to Karlfeldt PDF document
1930 Sinclair Lewis Nobel Prize Goes to Sinclair Lewis PDF document Sinclair Lewis Hits Old School Writers, Champions the New; In Speech Accepting Nobel Prize in Stockholm, Author Denounces Academicism PDF document
1929 Thomas Mann Thomas Mann, Winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature PDF document
1928 Sigrid Undset Mme. Sigrid Undset Wins Nobel Prize; She Is Third Norwegian Author to Receive Coveted Honor for Literature PDF document
1927 Henri Bergson
1926 Grazia Deledda
1925 George Bernard Shaw
1924 Wladyslaw Reymont
1923 William Butler Yeats Nobel Prize Awarded to William B. Yeats; Free State Senator Has Long Been Distinguished as an Irish Poet and Playwright PDF document
1922 Jacinto Benavente Nobel Prize for Einstein; Benavente, Spanish Dramatist, Gets Literary Section Award PDF document
1921 Anatole France Anatole France, Nobel Prize Winner PDF document
1920 Knut Hamsun Nobel Prize to Hamsun PDF document
1919 Carl Spitteler
1918 No prize awarded.
1917 Karl Gjellerup, Henrik Pontoppidan Danes Get Nobel Prize PDF document
1916 Verner von Heidenstam
1915 Romain Rolland
1914 No prize awarded.
1913 Rabindranath Tagore Tagore: The Winner of the Nobel Prize Compared to Walt Whitman PDF document
1912 Gerhart Hauptmann Nobel Prize to Hauptmann PDF document
1911 Maurice Maeterlinck Awarded to Maeterlinck PDF document
1910 Paul Heyse
1909 Selma Lagerlöf
1908 Rudolf Eucken
1907 Rudyard Kipling Nobel Prize for Kipling PDF document
1906 Giosuè Carducci Nobel Prize for Carducci PDF document
1905 Henryk Sienkiewicz
1904 Frédéric Mistral, José Echegaray
1903 Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson The Nobel Prizes PDF document
1902 Theodor Mommsen
1901 Sully Prudhomme
2005 Harold Pinter Pinter Wins Nobel for Dramas of Ominous Power Struggles Harold Pinter Excerpts
2004 Elfriede Jelinek Austrian Writer of Sex, Violence and Politics Wins Nobel Excerpts From Novels
2003 J. M. Coetzee Coetzee, Writer of Apartheid as Bleak Mirror, Wins Nobel Chronicling Life Perched on a Volcano's Edge as Change Erupts Featured Author: J. M. Coetzee
2002 Imre Kertész Hungarian Novelist Wins Nobel Prize in Literature Excerpts From Novels by Imre Kertesz
2001 V. S. Naipaul Nobel in Literature Goes to Naipaul, an Explorer of Exile A Nobel for Mr. Naipaul
2000 Gao Xingjian A Chinese-Born Writer Is Winner of the Nobel Sudden Fame on a Quest for Freedom
1999 Günter Grass Günter Grass Wins Nobel Prize for Literature Polemical Prize Featured Author: Günter Grass
1998 José Saramago Nobel in Literature Goes to José Saramago A Writer With an Ear for the Melody of Peasant Speech
1997 Dario Fo Italy's Barbed Political Jester, Dario Fo, Wins Nobel Prize Using Puns and Pratfalls to Lob Satirical Grenades
1996 Wislawa Szymborska Polish Poet, Observer of Daily Life, Wins Nobel
1995 Seamus Heaney Seamus Heaney, Poet, Wins the Nobel Prize An Irishman Reflecting on Mankind's Strivings Featured Author: Seamus Heaney
1994 Kenzaburo Oe Nobel in Literature Goes to Kenzaburo Oe of Japan
1993 Toni Morrison Toni Morrison Is '93 Winner of Nobel Prize in Literature Lifting the Memory of Slavery Into the Realm of Myth
1992 Derek Walcott Walcott, Poet of Caribbean, Is Awarded the Nobel Prize
1991 Nadine Gordimer Nadine Gordimer Is Winner of Nobel Prize in Literature A Chronicler of a Land of Strangers
1990 Octavio Paz Octavio Paz, Mexican Poet, Wins Nobel Prize Laureate Assessed by Man Who Knows Him Best
1989 Camilo José Cela Camilo Jose Cela Wins Nobel Prize; Spaniard Broke Taboos in the 40's Spanish Think of Cela as a TV Iconoclast Rather Than a Writer
1988 Naguib Mahfouz Nobel Prize in Literature Awarded To an Arabic Writer for First Time From 'Balzac of Egypt,' Energy and Nuance
1987 Joseph Brodsky Exiled Soviet Poet Wins Nobel Prize in Literature Brodsky's Nobel: What the Applause Was About
1986 Wole Soyinka Soyinka, Nigerian Dramatist, Wins Nobel Literature Prize Writer Says Colleagues Share Spirit of Award
1985 Claude Simon Claude Simon of France Wins the Nobel Prize in Literature Nobel Panel's Pick Keeps Cognoscenti Guessing
1984 Jaroslav Seifert Jaroslav Seifert, Czech Poet, Wins Nobel Literature Prize Little-Known in U.S., Nobel Poet Praised Here
1983 William Golding Briton Wins the Nobel Literature Prize Author Whose Works Defy Normal Labeling
1982 Gabriel García Márquez García Márquez of Colombia Wins Nobel Literature Prize Storyteller With Bent for Revolution: Gabriel García Márquez
1981 Elias Canetti Writer of Central Europe Wins Nobel Prize Cosmopolitan in Tradition of Goethe
1980 Czeslaw Milosz Polish Poet in U.S. Get Nobel in Literature Poet, Exile, Laureate
1979 Odysseus Elytis Elytis, Greek Lyric Poet, Is Given the Nobel Award for Literature PDF document A Lyric, Poetic Greek Voice That Has a Special Texture PDF document
1978 Isaac Bashevis Singer Nobel Prize to I. B. Singer Text of the Nobel Lecture by Isaac Bashevis Singer Featured Author: Isaac Bashevis Singer
1977 Vicente Aleixandre Nobel Prize Is Awarded to Little-Known Spanish Poet PDF document Modern Poets Owe Much to Work of Aleixandre and His Colleagues PDF document
1976 Saul Bellow Saul Bellow Chosen as Nobel Laureate; Award Brings U.S. a Sweep of Honors PDF document Novelist Deals With Jews in America; Bellow's Theme: Jewish Romance With America PDF document Featured Author: Saul Bellow
1975 Eugenio Montale Montale, a Poet, Awarded Nobel Prize for Literature PDF document Eugenio Montale: Ascending; The Guest Word PDF document
1974 Eyvind Johnson, Harry Martinson Two Swedish Writers Get the Nobel Prize Author Favors Choice PDF document
1973 Patrick White Nobel for U.S. Economist; Australian Writer Chosen; Economist and Writer Get Nobel Prizes PDF document Novels Full of Life; White Reflects Love-Hate Feeling for Australia Typical of Country's Artists Late, Recognition Joined the R.A.F. PDF document
1972 Heinrich Böll Heinrich Boll, 54, a West German Novelist, Wins the Nobel Prize for Literature PDF document A National Writer; Heinrich Theodor Boll PDF document
1971 Pablo Neruda Neruda, Chilean Poet-Politician, Wins Nobel Prize in Literature PDF document A Latin Walt Whitman; Neruda Poetry, Too, Found to Reject Dominance of an Impoverished Europe PDF document
1970 Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Unpublished at Home; Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn PDF document Soviet Writers Union Criticizes Nobel Prize Given Solzhenitsyn PDF document Solzhenitsyn's Vision of Man's Adaptability PDF document Featured Author: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
1969 Samuel Beckett Beckett Wins Nobel for Literature Playwright-Novelist Acclaimed for Lifting Man From Despair PDF document Beckett Accepts Nobel; Refuses to Attend Rite PDF document A Poet Who Has Seen Hell; Of Samuel Beckett PDF document
1968 Yasunari Kawabata Nobel for Literature Won by a Japanese PDF document In Literary Mainstream; Yasunari Kawabata PDF document
1967 Miguel Angel Asturias Guatemalan Author of Anti-U.S. Works Wins Nobel Prize PDF document Writer and Diplomat; Miguel Angel Asturias PDF document
1966 Samuel Agnon, Nelly Sachs 2 Jewish Writers Win Nobel Prize; $60,000 Literature Award to Be Shared by Shmuel Agnon and Nelly Sachs PDF document Appraisals of Agnon and Sachs; Each Nobel Winner Has a Unique Mode of Expression PDF document
1965 Mikhail Sholokhov Nobel Prize Is Won by Soviet Novelist PDF document Sholokhov Proud of Role as 'Soviet' Nobel Winner PDF document
1964 Jean-Paul Sartre Sartre Awarded Nobel Prize, but Rejects It; Existentialist Thinks His Writings Would Be Compromised $53,000 Will Revert to Fund, Swedish Academy Says PDF document
1963 Giorgos Seferis Nobel Prize Won by a Greek Poet; Tribute Is Paid to Lyricism of Giorgos Seferiades PDF document
1962 John Steinbeck Steinbeck Wins Nobel Prize For His 'Realistic' Writing; He Is the Sixth American to Receive Literature Award Since 1900 PDF document Evaluating an Author's Vision of the Thirties PDF document
1961 Ivo Andric Yugoslav Author Wins Nobel Prize; Dr. Ivo Andric Honored for 'Epic Force' of His Work PDF document His Story Is Yugoslavia; Ivo Andric PDF document
1960 Saint-John Perse Saint-John Perse, French Poet, Wins Nobel Prize for Literature PDF document
1959 Salvatore Quasimodo Nobel Award Was Disclosed Day Early by Laureate, Salvatore Quasimodo PDF document Quasimodo Literary Appreciation of a Prize Winner; Quasimodo: Prize Winner PDF document
1958 Boris Pasternak Nobel Prize Goes to Pasternak; Russian's 'Zhivago' Still Unpublished in Soviet Union PDF document Writers in Soviet Expel Pasternak; Nobel Prize Winner Scored as Pawn in Cold War PDF document Author Tells Swedes He Cannot Accept Nobel Literature Award PDF document
1957 Albert Camus Nobel Prize-Winner Camus: A Man Committed Yet Aloof PDF document Albert Camus Wins Nobel Letters Prize PDF document
1956 Juan Ramón Jiménez A Spanish Writer Gets Nobel Prize; Jimenez, 74, Lives in Exile in Puerto Rico--Noted for Lyrical Poetry Odes to His Donkey Wife's Illness Saddens Him PDF document
1955 Halldór Laxness Icelandic Novelist Wins Nobel Prize PDF document
1954 Ernest Hemingway 54 Nobel Prizes Awarded by King; Hemingway, Unable to Attend in Stockholm, Asserts That Writing Is a Lonely Life PDF document Audio: Ernest Hemingway: The Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech and a Talk About His Work Featured Author: Ernest Hemingway
1953 Winston Churchill Churchill Wins Nobel Prize, Puts Kipling and Shaw Higher PDF document Nobel Victors Served Peace Cause by Promoting Human Brotherhood PDF document
1952 François Mauriac Nobel Prize Is Given to Novelist Mauriac PDF document The Nobel Prize Winner PDF document
1951 Pär Lagerkvist 4 Nuclear Scientists, 2 American, and Author Receive Nobel Prizes PDF document The Nobel Prize Winner PDF document
1950 Bertrand Russell Faulkner Gets Nobel Prize; Bertrand Russell Is Honored PDF document
1949 William Faulkner Faulkner Gets Nobel Prize; Bertrand Russell Is Honored PDF document
1948 T. S. Eliot T. S. Eliot Receives 1948 Nobel Award; Poet Gets Prize in Literature PDF document
1947 André Gide Gide Gets Nobel Literature Prize PDF document
1946 Hermann Hesse Winners of 1946 Nobel Prizes Awarded by Swedish Academy PDF document Nobel Prize Winner PDF document
1945 Gabriela Mistral Winners of 1945 Nobel Prizes PDF document The 1945 Winner of the Nobel Award, Gabriela Mistral PDF document
1944 Johannes V. Jensen The Story of a Nobel Prize Winner PDF document
1943 No prize awarded.
1942 No prize awarded.
1941 No prize awarded.
1940 No prize awarded.
1939 Frans Eemil Sillanpää Nobel Prize Given to Finnish Writer PDF document
1938 Pearl Buck Pearl Buck Wins Nobel Literature Prize; Third American to Get the Swedish Award PDF document
1937 Roger Martin du Gard
1936 Eugene O'Neill Gustav Presents Nobel Prizes to 3; Awards to O'Neill, Saavedra Lamas and Von Ossietzky Bestowed in Absentia PDF document
1935 No prize awarded.
1934 Luigi Pirandello Luigi Pirandello Wins Nobel Prize; Italian Playwright's General Contribution to Literature Is Basis of Award PDF document Wit and Wisdom in Pirandello; Italy's Winner of the Nobel Prize for 1934 Considered as Novelist, Playwright and Philosopher Luigi Pirandello PDF document
1933 Ivan Bunin Nobel Prize Goes to Bunin, Russian; Short-Story Writer and Poet, Exile in France, Is First of His Nation to Get Award PDF document Ivan Bunin, Nobel Prize Winner; The Art and Personality of the Russian Emigre to Whom This Year's Award for Literature Has Been Given PDF document
1932 John Galsworthy Four Nobel Prizes Presented by King; but John Galsworthy, Author, Is Unable to Go to Sweden Because of Illness PDF document
1931 Erik Axel Karlfeldt Nobel Prize Awarded to Dead Swedish Poet; The Honor for Literature Goes to Karlfeldt PDF document
1930 Sinclair Lewis Nobel Prize Goes to Sinclair Lewis PDF document Sinclair Lewis Hits Old School Writers, Champions the New; In Speech Accepting Nobel Prize in Stockholm, Author Denounces Academicism PDF document
1929 Thomas Mann Thomas Mann, Winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature PDF document
1928 Sigrid Undset Mme. Sigrid Undset Wins Nobel Prize; She Is Third Norwegian Author to Receive Coveted Honor for Literature PDF document
1927 Henri Bergson
1926 Grazia Deledda
1925 George Bernard Shaw
1924 Wladyslaw Reymont
1923 William Butler Yeats Nobel Prize Awarded to William B. Yeats; Free State Senator Has Long Been Distinguished as an Irish Poet and Playwright PDF document
1922 Jacinto Benavente Nobel Prize for Einstein; Benavente, Spanish Dramatist, Gets Literary Section Award PDF document
1921 Anatole France Anatole France, Nobel Prize Winner PDF document
1920 Knut Hamsun Nobel Prize to Hamsun PDF document
1919 Carl Spitteler
1918 No prize awarded.
1917 Karl Gjellerup, Henrik Pontoppidan Danes Get Nobel Prize PDF document
1916 Verner von Heidenstam
1915 Romain Rolland
1914 No prize awarded.
1913 Rabindranath Tagore Tagore: The Winner of the Nobel Prize Compared to Walt Whitman PDF document
1912 Gerhart Hauptmann Nobel Prize to Hauptmann PDF document
1911 Maurice Maeterlinck Awarded to Maeterlinck PDF document
1910 Paul Heyse
1909 Selma Lagerlöf
1908 Rudolf Eucken
1907 Rudyard Kipling Nobel Prize for Kipling PDF document
1906 Giosuè Carducci Nobel Prize for Carducci PDF document
1905 Henryk Sienkiewicz
1904 Frédéric Mistral, José Echegaray
1903 Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson The Nobel Prizes PDF document
1902 Theodor Mommsen
1901 Sully Prudhomme
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